Friday, January 7, 2011

Auto ethno of which is which?

After doing more read, I am unsure as to whether my current topic is the one for auto-ethno which is worth writing about. Auto-etho may also mean, SPN=scholarly personal narrative which has already been around.

I came across another interesting site:

Lots of writings about the making of autoethnoes.

Here's another idea of an autoethno as I, myself, a teacher.
This is about looking at my current school's curriculum and narrating how I managed to arrive at this kind of curriculum--curriculum making as teacher's meaning making. The paper will also deal with previous engagements with curriculum making in the hope of surfacing lessons learned and critical learning points in my journey as a teaching making meaning out of teaching practice--specific to curriculum making.

So how do I make up my mind then?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Random Thoughts

Here I go again. It's general cleaning time. I'm set to sort and dispose stuff frpm kitchen storage and work room. It's a Sunday and these thoughts flow:
-a CMS on Filipino Online: w/ Aklat Adarna Publications to lead it, alongside these elements: forum for quick online lessons; content sharing of teacher made materials; content sharing of lessons based on Adarna books; latest news and research re Filipino language
-survey progam managers/teachers and parents of gr 6-8/ Middle Years--arguments for and against it
-research on blended design of online teaching-learning for middle years
-research on virtual high schools
-renew membership in ASCD and NCSS
-curriculum exhibit of Builders' School at Educ

Gahhd...what a New Year for a mid-lifing woman.