Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Totem Thoughts

Something about movies which make me give things a second look. So I looked really well.
Inception made me set my 2DD's for this 2012. I started to wonder whether in fact I am capable of doing all these or just settle with where I am now. It's safer this way to not even bother.

Something about dreams which make you create models in your mind. Imagine applying a sense of architecture in your dreams! Dreaming dreamswhile awake and how even these haunt you while asleep.
And the challenge of choosing which ones to turn into realities. If only we just live our lives settling with the dream and not the reality of making it happen?

So I chose to keep realities I'd like to hold on to and realities I need to say goodbye to in order to give time and space for making other dreams to come true.

Twelve years ago, I dreamt of settling down and travelling to India.
I did both already.

The school and UPOU were never part of the dream but just happened for other reasons. So much of these will stay in the years to come for some bodies.

Still,  I'd like to go to India once again for other  reasons... AND only with pure and fond thoughts to carry with me, plus a wish or two to come true.

Should I bring a totem with me then?

Totem 2Go

I never was thinking lucid
a sleeper mostly
I stayed in  every bit of it
then it  started to kick in
the totem stopped
this dream had to be mine
I never meant it to be yours
shared it just the same
how you skillfully extracted
some known secret projection
this time the totem had to go
so I could finally jump
turn to something beautiful
you know I'd love to see it so

Monday, January 9, 2012

2DD 2012

My attempts to manage ME+projects+that thingie called PhDie:

Jan-UPOU: review concept of 'learner presence' construct
      -UPOU: paper submission ICODEL
      -ME Want: go for M4TA
      -Builders: concept of Tagisan ng Talino 

Feb-ME Want: CO12 Online
        UPOU: ICODEL
        ME Want: Book Grant Proposal

May- Builders: FLIP Online Summer Classes
                         SS Scope and Sequence/Coverage 

1st  Sem- ME MUST: Library Time for Thesis Topic Proposal
                  ME MUST: Finish WizIQ Paper

2nd Sem-ME MUST: Fellowship
                 OR MUST: MDE