Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Cause for this Paper, ergo, Significance of the Study?

UPOU has recently celebrated its 15th year anniversary.
The exhibit boasts of UPOU history--first generation, 2nd and 3rd.

Where am I? Perhaps third generation...and where are the students?

The celebration pretty much shows the UPOU family--I find a bit 'clanish'. But families need those if families are to survive. They need to carve their history to justify existence.

It's a family I can't seem to identify with as it's already rich with traditions and common life story which started way back. But life goes on and new stories have to be woven if UPOU is to survive.

This paper is meant to tell stories of other partakers in this UPOU community--the students and junior faculty members who equally identify with the UP name and continue to evolve towards a common identity as people of UPOU.

This paper is significant as it is meant to give voice to other members of the UPOU community who seek deeper interactions with fellow UPOU students, and a whole new meaning to what UPOU community is all about.

In the bigger scheme of things.....why is this paper significant, I leave Al to make meaning out of that.

I think to some extent, I do equate the community site with the latest Biomodd [C]Piece. Both provided venues for students to interact, and get involved towards a common cause--but for what reasons and towards which direction?

This paper aims to figure out.

And so my little cause for the next generation--I'd like to view a future exhibit where students' narratives get to be included in the big picture. I'd like to see their initiatives documented as part of the UPOU history. Their voices have to be heard one way or another. The community site to some extent documents that.

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