Saturday, January 4, 2020


This is my record of all-time low.

Just to be clear, I'm not depressed. And if so, I've learned to just give myself a day and I'll be ok.
I have strategy to deal with it.

I think the toughest still is dealing with self-anger. So this week has been my all time low for the following. Let me count thy ways:

Dec 27 -  I forgot my bag of files and charger so I couldn't do what I set myself to do on that day
                while I was my fam, celebrating my brother's wedding annive

Dec 29 -  My MacBook acted weirdly -  black screen, not really of death cuz the keyboards lit up.
               Then, I reset, restart, the screen lits up then it goes black again.

Dec 30 -  Just had to get  a new laptop. That's like savings meant for something else, now spent on
                something else. Arggggh.

Jan 2 -   I could not find a way to repair template of my DoIs at Endnote. The library was not able to                 offer a concrete solution then.

Jan 3 -   I was being advised to consider an application for extension as Plan B.

Jan 4 -  Grrrr. This chapter is taking too long to get done. And Grrrr more for swallowing my pride to get that app for extension done.

Upon reading my list above, I get angry at myself more. So many other things to feel for in life.
I don't have a dying family member, nor terminal cancer. I'm not in the midst of Syrians, Lebanese, Iranians and Iraqi's mourning the death of a leader. I'm well fed and well loved. I'm not even stuck in Manila traffic so WATDAHELL Aleta.

Please, please, uber-please, count your blessings, think of people who can help, hold on to happy memories and look up, look to God. Don't ever, ever forget him.

And btw, YOU GOT THIS:

Jan 6 -  A solution to EndNote DoI's

Chapter 1 Check

Chapter 3 Check

Chapter 4 BL Check - insert BL survey SUNDAY

Chapter 5 TP Check

Chapter 6 SP - Check -

Chapter 7 CP - Check insert Proposed Changes

TO follow


FULL DRAFT BY TUESDAY - but oops, my Endnotes still need a whole lot of fixing

Please please be thankful for that. :) and remember people who have helped you and will continue to do so. Communicate!

Lastly, CHICKENJOY :) and ColLaboratiore 2020.

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