Sunday, February 8, 2015

ENERGY= [Greater] Capacity 2Do Work

Reposting fr 2009

I was trying to adjust my brain a bit as last night, our teacher, this Librero was some kind of wishgiver as he played my faves with the UPOU band. But since I know this guy a bit and I heart him as a reliable colleague/ community site bud,  it wasn't hard for me to just be there as a student.

AFDL is just as gifted and blended-brained like  into Diego. Earlier the Biomodd project we were exchanging about  how he will fit in with the team.  I was confident his brains would fit but I wondered about his unassuming ways.  He himself admittedly labels himself as a 'Syano' (=probinsyano=provincial).   He was fondly christened "King" by his followers  for a reason. And this I see: that students can easily relate with him and I, as UP faculty with zero knowledge on  Gaming and with a bits of  grade schoolish  Science came to class  assured that this   teacher's height will not intimidate me for sure! But his beauty, oh well, such as it is. That he can't help and besides I'm quite content with my looks.

Librero's talk on alternative sources of energy +issues related was  sufficient to keep my tired body/brain going. Our teacher was able to draw from his obvious area of expertise and personal knowledge. He delivered it in some kind of informative storytelling. I was able to clarify the basic content I needed for me to discern this: my school kids now have the perfect hooks for a third science driven inquiry learning project:
    What's  on Earth?!?
    - an inquiry into the earth's resources,
    - how these generate energy 
    - and how we can use these wisely. 
I'm seeing threads in my school's  learning projects--it is definitely Science... way to go!

Librero's  style is simple as he was getting things across by reassuring us that we do know something and it's his job to clarify a few things, with the goal of having a common  perspective: How does energy  fit into  Biomodd ?
Of course I couldn't think like a scientist even after that interesting video  he allowed us to view (and I got a copy for free!) The group talked about heat and how it can be generated and maximized as part of the installation. My mind was somewhere else, though--I was trying to recall Prof. Sol Hidalgo's (UPOU colleague) very own  "kinetic molecular theory of learning"
This is how I understood it: that learning among a group of adults can  be energized and  maximized in some kind of chemical-molecular manner.

And this is how I was translating her theory to  Biomodd:
It's a fact. My classmates and I can never  get rid ourselves of this  Biomodd talk.
It clearly is in our system. It has been a source of inspiration to most --some kind of stored energy to be "kineticized"  every time people get into the lab and do work--all these exchanges in our course generate energy--some kind of growing capacity to do work. Work for what and work for whom? Obviously now it has come to a point where it just has to move forward in ways the core didn't predict at all from the start.
But the greater challenge is this:  the course has ended and where do we take it from here?
My mind was back to the group as now they were  concerned about the purposes of Biomodd and some kind of public statement it seeks to get across. This is what I tried to communicate, to some extent:  that Biomodd does not necessarily have to present itself as an art piece meant to issue a single public statement.  To my mind, artists may have specific purposes for their art which will not necessarily come across to its viewers. These purposes may even change over time. In the same way,  viewers of the art piece will  have their  own  personal take at  it. It may provoke an unexpected reaction. Personal meanings may sink in to some a bit much later. It may be even nothing to others. There is however one thing we can try to do as I  see Biomodd as a means for people, most of all children to wonder about, to ask questions, to raise eyebrows--just that. The fact that something of this scale shall be displayed at our National Museum is enough to awaken us in different ways. 
Hence, one aspect  we do have the benefit of showing is this: the people/ process behind the piece-- What's the source energy which propelled the team to get to where they are now? How was this energy utillized in different ways? What energy remains beyond all these? What energy can this installation pass on to the Filipino youth?

The last session of the course has come to an end. Whether we are a renewable remains to be seen or perhaps unseen as individually we are like molecules  redefining our identities as we go back to our usual lives. Beyond Biomodd, I ask:  will each of us have renewed energy--a greater capacity to do work and love every bit of ourselves  and others than before? 

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