And so, grades are done. I have emptied myself of all university work-related worries and I only have 2 weeks left for the month before my mind gets filled up again with: report cards for Builders School, TP& LP study I plan to do for my ThaiTESOL conference.
These 2 weeks I badly need to reformulate my topic proposal. I am now back to rethinking about my original topic. Now if only I can get rid of these: anger towards my adviser who did not respond to my first few emails about my topic, and instead told me to go for eLearning Readiness only to say again the I can actually go for curriculum dev for the Open HS and...get rid of anger at myself for having such a muddled brain which can never work for a sustained, and focused study on this thing called thesis.
Thesis work entails a disciplined mind which practically goes against the fiber of how my brain is wired. But because I still believe in the power of the mind and rational thinking, it goes to show that I just need to rewire ME.
I need to find meaning in all these. So what's the plan, aLeTa?
Or what WAS the original plan? Listen here...
If I were to develop curriculum for OpenHS to cater to students coming from nontraditional schools (such as the Builders' School), I already have a layman's formula in mind. These are what I'd do:
A. A Critical Look at Current VHS
-look at standards and best practices in Virtual HS programs abroad
-examine common issues and challenges in VHS programs
-examine the current state of OpenHS in the Philippines
-analyze gaps/areas of concern
-revisit aims, goals and objectives of OpenHS
-identify gaps and key areas of concern
B. A New Lens for VHS=the OHSP Kind
-reformulate aims and goals of OpenHS programs to be more inclusive of all types of HS learners (not just for students in extraneous circumstances)
-propose a curriculum framework for OpenHS curriculum grounded on a position of online learning NOT as an alternative but as the norm
-design sample courses which integrates core skills based on learning presence: learner self regulation and self efficacy skills, independent learning and collaborative learning skills and attitudes, principles of networked learning)
-mount sample courses in blended online platforms: asynchronous and synchronous platforms
C. Laying the Ground for Success
-recommend teacher training and staff development schemes grounded on the COI framework (Communities of Inquiry)
-propose curriculum management (monitoring and supervision)schemes
-propose management and maintenance of CMS--knowledge bank of resources for instruction in the subject areas
The above may be valid if this were up to me.
But since I am in this PhD mode, may as well theorize and do a thesis on this. I have a product and process in mind---how to get there using my thesis 2B?!? I can just do this on my own, but then I would be contradicting what I set myself out to do: to develop this curriculum scientifically and systematically because this is what it means to be part of the academe ergo a lover of research.
I need to make full use of my time whether I push for Plan A=stay in my home university or Plan B=go for a university in India.
So starting from scratch all over again, here goes:
Working Outline for Review of Lit:
I. ODeL and Virtual High School Programs
-current state, best practices and gains
II. Curriculum Issues in ODeL and Virtual HS
-current issues and challenges
-current issues particularly related to curriculum development, implementation and management esp in developing countries
III. Research into Curriculum Development Models and Course Design of VHS
-models which have worked
-conditions/context why models and designs work
-gaps in the models
-applicability in other contexts
IV. OHSP of the Philippines
-goals and aims
-needs and areas of concern;
-directions and gaps
-why a framework for curriculum development is needed
- -to develop a framework for curriculum development of Open High School Programs (OHSP) in the Philippines
- -to design samples/models of online courses for students of OHSP
- -to draw out schemes to manage and monitor proposed curriculum for the OHSP
Research Questions:
Which theory of curriculum development is best suited for Open High School Programs in the Philippines (OHSP)?
Which existing model of curriculum in ODeL can be integrated into this theory of curriculum development for OHSP?
- What framework of curriculum development can be proposed for the OHSP?
- What sample online courses can be designed based on this framework for OHSP?
- What curriculum monitoring and supervision can be recommended for the OHSP?
With the above, I am only giving myself 1 month (January) to get myself out of this Anti-theses mode because clearly, I refuse to accept failure when I have not exhausted all possible means to make this f**king theses work. In the end, I cannot blame my adviser, nor the existing body of knowledge...I only have ME to deal with so I AM dealing with this shit, PHD (Piled Higher and Deeper).