Monday, December 3, 2012

Panel Says.....

So there I was feeling happier that I now have a set of focused research questions based on a topic suggested by my adviser. Prior to my topic defense, I submitted a draft to my adviser. In her opinion, I should be able to connect 2 topics--eLearning Readiness + Curriculum Dev framework. But after much brainstorming she suggested to focus on the basics which is  the eLearning Readiness. (See earlier blog with excerpts from my 10-page topic proposal)

Then came panel defense of my topic. General feedback are as follows:

Panel member 1=adviser:  I am still coming from the field of ODeL. My topic is framed according to ODeL. I must remove myself from UPOU=Open Unive and go back to the field of Curriculum Studies.

aleta's brain says: ok, perhaps I need 2 paragraphs devoted to the field of Curr Studies if embedded threads re Curr Studies in the paragraphs ain't enough.

Panel member 2=chair: He is seeing 4 themes and a bit confused whether I want to develop curriculum for OpenHS or not. He suggests that I redirect my theses towards: A Framework for Curriculum Development for Open HS programs. He wants me to go back to the basics which is to start with the Curr Dev instead of settling with eLearning Readiness

aleta's brain says: hmmm isn't eLearning Readiness the more basic step to take (or part of)  before getting into the whole cycle of CurrDev. And my questions never stated my research intends to dev curr right away for OpenHS...hence precisely it is about eLearning Readiness

Panel member 3=FIC: He was listening carefully and made mention of the works of SEAMEO Innotech project on eLearning modules.

aleta's brain says: Yes, I've seen that. In fact I'm looking for the process behind the product and how they  did their situational analysis before the modules and program were developed.

Clearly the panel is telling me, my current topic proposal is not there yet.

So how do I bend my brains to fit into their mould of how I should do my theses.  

Education, the UP kind,  is kinda tiring. It's an exercise of tolerance, humility, and patience.

A part of me feels frustrated because my first topic proposal was rejected--my panel says, it was into Social Studies and that there is no such thing as progressive education in the Philippines. Another one said that teachers are not curriculum designers.

Then this second topic which is into ODeL and not from my field of doctoral studies.

Looking back, I earned a Low Pass in my comprehensive examinations.

All the above are indicative of how my brains work:  I still draw a lot from my informal learning, on the job practices and prior experiences and hardly from my formal studies.

I guess Panel Says, that ain't acceptable....unless I leave Curr Studies, move on, start from scratch and get into ODeL.

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