Monday, August 29, 2011

"Oh YESSS I Like It!"

That's the Enrique Iglesia tune which has kept me company in this 4 day break ala home alone mode which has given me the time and space to rethink my study therefore reflect on Quali-R. Prior to Iglesias, I was in a Kesha mode for 2 mos just to come up with the research proposal on TP@WizIQ. Now, I'm in a path of disequilibrium which is still within my zone of proximal development, not yet an upsetting nor frustrating level kind since I've managed to postpone gratifying myself with a Cold Chai Frappe or Banana Cream Pie. I deserve to be gratified once I have something settled in my brain.

First thing to settle is this: the term EPISTEMOLOGICAL ASSUMPTION. No matter how many times I've come across that word, the meaning still isn't sticky to me. For one, it sounds like EPISTLE--so suddenly I relate it with the GOSPEL of Paul. Then that -OLOGY reminds me of some science word along with the other -OLOGIES I have to retain in my brain. Then ASSUMPTION, thaaat other Catholic sosyalerang private school which reminds me of a school uniform silly alumni members wear everytime they have a reunion. How did they ever come up with such a hellish idea! And to think it's a tradition they've passed on and on. I'm so glad to be a Maryknoller and UP grad. Anyways... EPISTEMOLOGICAL ASSUMPTION=a way of viewing at knowledge... a positioning....

What is my positioning in my current research of TP@WizIQ? I am an experienced teacher basic ed + developing higher ed online teacher + novice at synchronous platform. This is my reality hence I wanted to observe expert online teachers because....I want to learn from their practices. I am not here to measure how effective they are. I am here to see what and how they are doing it which make them connect with their students and make their interactions come alive as if everything is F2F. As researcher, I'd like to write it--as if the learning interactions are in right in front of my readers--and reflect on what I'm getting--what do their interactions mean. This is the reality I would like to document.
Whenever I view a recording, I do not take notes as if merely to describe--I go straight to interpreting what is happening=this is what I think about what they are doing.

Validity is gradually arrived at after adequate engagement in data collection, member checks (if possible) or stating my research position
. The 'rich & thick' description will be the test of this case study.
As to whether the results are consistent to the data collected...I do not know, YET what that means? :( Why does Quali-R make one delve in a state of uncertainty?

To carry on, I have to slay the obstacle---paper deadline and trust that I will be able to come up with something good to share on October 11.

Need to read on sample study---to see the portion where/when researcher discloses her positioning, and more importantly, how.

May I write this paper using the first person?

As opposed to Iglesias, I would not want to stay in this state for a long time. I would like the idea of arriving at something with having moments of this in bits....fear of being bogged down...hala LAGOT!

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