Thursday, August 18, 2011

Possible Recurring Themes

Alas, I've managed to transcribe 3 recordings= 1 per teacher to get the feel of things and identify possible themes which may recur in the next few recordings. Good news is that WizIQ + teachers permitted me access to download recordings so now I have hired transcribers to help me out. This means I can devote my energies to start thinking through what I've observed.

Possible themes which may recur throughout the recorded class observations in answer to this question:
What is the nature of teaching presence in synch live classes?
(and maybe I'm also curious if there really is a diff with asynch and realtime F2F sessions)'s what I'm seeing so far: TP in synch classes=

-rapport building done in a certain way (each teacher having a diff style)

-coaching/modeling to students use of VC to acclimatize them with online learning via a virtual classroom

-direct instruction---language lessons to address both individual needs and whole class concerns

-facilitation or teaching through multi media resources---and seamless of manner of using these features (like how an F2F teacher uses AV aids)

-reinforcements, support for/encouragements to speak and use English

(perhaps a next follow up study would be comparing TP in Live Synch classes in Higher Ed vs Basic Ed)

Hmmm, this is still scratching the surface...I NEED TO REMEMBER THAT QUALI RESEARCH AIM TO SURFACE THE MEANINGS BEHIND THESE THEMES...right! Why do I sense that I may be missing out on something here. :(

On to viewing 2 more recordings to specifically get 'critical teaching moments' which make for TP.

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