Sunday, September 4, 2011


After 2 years of living without it, I am now struggling to get back to it. I've always wanted to but I guess now seems to be the right time. I sort of panicked for a week---thinking that I've wasted time in viewing the data samples---recorded classes of WizIQ. I thought my process was wrong only to realize that I was dealing with so much junk in my brain. Yeah, I tend to read and think too much hence get stuck with scheming, reading, rereading then doubting if I will ever be able to write in the same way.  And lately the thinking part is bordering in the worried kind of thinking and self doubt creeps in. I wanted to free myself of such useless worries in order to get back on track...I turn to yoga.

Finally I grabbed my former yoga teacher's number so the Aummm is back.
I can't believe how I've forgotten my basics  so noting these all over again, with great humility: 

-4 Sureya A
-4 Sureya B
-Forward bends--fingers grabbing toes then palms beneath feet
-Sideward bends--side bend, then triangle,  side angle bend knees bent then kneel w/ praying hands
-preps for bridge, then plough to shoulder stand

I'm guessing next session, my teacher will add a few more for encouragement:
-wide leg stretch and bends
-standing leg stretches
-sitting poses with leg stretches

Maybe a few inserts/faves later on:
-warrior pose 1& 2
-kneeling back bends

And to think sometime at certain points in my mid-30's  I was into the yoga practice and reached points when I was into self practice. I need a class once again to get back into the groove.

As I try to recall and relearn, it's the breathing which I do my best to remember.
The breathing empties my brain so I come out with nothing up there---a brainrest to be able take in MORE later on.

I've gotten into more recordings of Dr Deutsch who recently emailed me an updated version of her bio.  This should be for inclusion in my paper as part of the exemplary teacher profile, also to add to my presentation at the conference.  The conference secretariat didn't ask for my bio, so how can I even manage to include more about Nellie. I managed to add a few sentences in my abstract submission about her. I should be able to introduce her well in my presentation, alongside the George and Namrata. 

Now, I've started reviewing  midyear 2010 recordings MORE means having these to  discuss my preliminary data about how Teaching Presence is happening at WizIQ:

  • connecting with online learners-establishing rapport, setting atmosphere, harnessing interaction, sharing about one's self/ self introductions, encouragement and positive feedback,
  • providing information--related to class, esl or otherwise, other online resources to learn English
  • managing the virtual classroom--usage of features, troubleshooting; simultaneous use of features to share content, or give direct instruction
  • use of multimedia resources--(choice reflects what of the teacher ?)
  • critical language teaching moments: intentional and as result of the interaction; addressing individual student needs; explicit______ through language mediation (bridging student interactions to facilitate understanding each other); maintaining or elevating discourse---does not water down sentences or discussions; tips on learning English
  •  providing for self practice and extended learning   
  • metacognition--the how's or what it means to do  learning online or about learning english
A few reflections re the construct of Teaching Presence via  synchronous mode of teaching vs TP in the COI framework:

-COI framework as applied to  research in online teaching identified these elements and indicators to measure effective teaching. Data sources were mainly transcripts based on asynchronous courses. It is possible that these may not readily apply when trying to understand Teaching Presence in live synchronous classes where teaching may be partly a result of interaction and totality of teaching which one cannot observe and understand separately as  social presence, teaching presence and cognitive presence. In other words, TP is TP  Or perhaps TP is TP in another sense. 

This study then is being pursued with conscious effort not to latch on the COI framework as this was developed in the context of asynchronous classes. It only cares to mention TP of the COI because of its major following these previous years and as an initial framework to understand online teaching and research related to this.

This study is more likened to recent quali  research in understanding TP, and exemplary online teaching  which sheds light to a different way of looking at TP: works of  T Morgan 2011, A. Jezegou 2010, 

Then I still need to have a second look at  Hayes andVickers 2010, Baker 2010, Stone and Chapman 2006,  Perry and Edwards 2005, Lewis and Abdul Hammid 2006

 ഓമ്മം  ಆಮ್ಮ್ಮ್ औम्म्म्म  ਔਮਮ੍ਮ  اممم   ઔમ્મ્મ  اممم 
أمم aummm

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