Friday, May 20, 2011

In Awe of Beauty

And so I look at the opposite pole where this Bengali friend is and I look at where I am, rethinking my position of the existence of God.

At this age, I've relaxed myself from trying to follow a routine of reading the Bible and cooking up fervent prayers with fellow Christians to reach the high heavens. Take away all the prophets, holy books, the rituals handed down, religious artifacts and places of worship, in short all the cultural and traditional trimmings of religion, I try to simplify my basic beliefs. I am left with what I have which are pure thoughts born out of moments when I am in a state of AWE with life's beauty--as seen through:
-fiery sunsets
-endless water falling
-women in saris
-Rodin's 'Hands"
-the tallest of trees
-tools of technology
-my daughter's assuring hands
-the color blue on a man's dark tan
-research pursuits
-warmth in online connections
-good reads
-my son's sense of humor
-a neat pattern of wrist hair
-a best friend's advice
-grrreat sex
-a Rajasthan dream
-a neatly written blog
-a well spent beach break

The list goes on....

Beauty in simple things falling into place and seeing the connectedness of my life's events make me wonder that perhaps there is a greater being beyond me--a grand designer or artist unfolding neat surprises right before me despite my impatience, irritability, and negativity. For now, it's only the idea of God which seems to best explain it.
Now whether God has/is:
-human like features/characteristics, or
-some kind of energy, matter or force, or
-some spirit in the high heavens which may abide in us all or
-a burning bush; or
-different avatars
-a babe in a manger
-me= myself= I really for any believer to decide.
All I know is God makes me wonder, look up, say a little prayer of thanks and embrace these surprises which come my way and try to be the best human being I can become, accept my flaws and limitations and do what I can to help others see and believe the life can be good if seen through such simple but glorious moments.

Perhaps an aetheist would not even entertain such thoughts and instead, make productive use of his time elsewhere to toil on the land, gather food and build a fire, whilst I a believer of God, would do the same but cook up a poem or two to make for healthy exchange over a cozy fire while roasting marshmallows with a dude.

Such differences make good stuff + everything else for chatting, virtual or otherwise.

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